Maritza is a spiritual counsellor and healer, family constellation facilitator, pre and perinatal practitioner, massage therapist, infant massage instructor for parents, craniosacral therapist, permaculturist, and water restoration advocate… all in the name of empowering individuals to lay foundations for strong loving families and a thriving planet.

Her own healing journey led her through 17 years of trainings at the onset of her divorce in 2001. The theme of “Holy Families” emerged during her first Masters in Divinity practicum. It was the beginning of understanding how vital of a role families play in creating a compassionate caring society. Her second Masters in Divinity was a deeper dive into understanding how to empower families to thrive while understanding some of the factors that contribute to the breakdown of families.

Having “broken the cycle” herself, she holds workshops and retreats for individuals and groups, in all stages of life in person and online to open to greater Love. She loves working with women and couples with preconception healing before they conceive their first baby.

Her idea of play is learning how to build earthen homes from clay, sand, straw, and water. She has a passion for water, regenerative living from our own homes, and paradigm shifts.

When she’s not in her visionary musing, Maritza loves hanging out with her son on the couch or climbing gym, visiting dear friends young and elder, dancing, listening to Silence.

For the WOW app, Maritza is looking forward to offering various somatic, spiritual, and thought-provoking meditations and exercises on her podcast “Thriving in Love” to reconnect listeners to their Wholeness and increase their capacity for Love.