

WOW Feel Good Now is not just an app, it’s a movement. Our vision, matches our mission, meets our values, and that is to uplift, enliven and support people all around the world, to feel good in body, mind, heart and soul.

Our Practitioners and Content Creators have been curated especially for you, our valued WOW community. We have Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness Practitioners, Dance Teachers and Choreographers, Personal Trainers, Psychologists, Counsellors and Therapists, EFT Tapping Practitioners, Naturopaths, Midwives and Nurses, Authors, Artists, and Performers, and World-First Podcast Creators. Quite simply, you will not find anything like WOW Feel Good Now anywhere in the world.

Our global practitioners hail from Australia, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom and United States.


Growing up in Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia, Alison Nancye has been attracted to helping people feel good since childhood. At the age of 10, she established a ‘Wisdom Office’ in the school hallway to listen to peer problems and offer advice. Fast Forward, 40 (or so) years, and 27 years practising meditation, Alison is the author of 12 books, creator of over 1,000 meditations, producer of 2 meditation albums, stress specialist EFT Practitioner, Survive to Thrive Counsellor and Coach, and Mum to four blended teenagers!

Alison is on a mission to help as many people in the world, to feel good no matter what their story or situation through her app, WOW. She is so grateful and excited to be in the enormously talented company of the WOW practitioners and content creators to inspire you, wherever you are in the world, from the comfort of your home to FEEL GOOD.