Kim is a Seattle, WA-based Dance Educator, Choreographer, Performer, and Pilates Instructor. Kim believes that movement is vital to all and has the power to bring healing and change. Her desire is to share beauty and authentic human experience while striving to create spaces where connection and community can thrive.

She grew up dancing from a young age, and always loved to move and express. She received her BFA in Dance from Belhaven University where she graduated with honors. She also enjoys teaching and sharing movement through classes, and intensives. She has taught at workshops and intensives in NYC, Colorado, Kansas City, and Seattle. In 2015, she co-founded Class Exchange in an effort to provide teaching opportunities for less established artists and create affordable professional level classes.

Kim is passionate about creating dance works that offer glimpses of humor and vulnerability. Her passion is to create things that are genuine, inspiring, and call people into beauty. She is a recipient of residencies and grants from the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, Artist Life Guild, Cornish Arts Incubator, 10 Degrees, and the Fremont Abbey. She has performed with many different artists in Scotland, Romania, and in the United States in Seattle, New York City, Chicago, Kansas City, and more.

Kim finds it important to reset and inhale in beautiful places, and loves how nature opens creativity. She is on a constant quest to grow and heal and find truth. She desires to be part of seeing people become themselves fully. When not dancing, teaching, or working on artistic endeavors, she likes to swim, play games, drink coffee, and go on walks with friends.

Kim wants to share her love of dance and encourage the WOW community to move, breathe, and go on a journey of self awareness, and joyful play.